
Advantages of making videos for YouTube

Are you a fan of YouTube? If you enjoy watching free videos online, from a number of different genres, you may be a huge fan of YouTube. Although many internet users only watch videos on YouTube, there are many who also post their own YouTube videos. If you have never done so before, you may be wondering whether or not you really should. To determine whether or not you should make and upload your own videos to the YouTube website, you will want to examine the advantages or the plus sides to doing so.

Perhaps, the biggest advantage to making your own YouTube videos is that your videos can be just about whatever you want them to be. Popular videos on YouTube right now include comedy skits, video blogs, how-to videos, and music videos from up and coming artists. Whether you want to make a video blog of yourself or if you and your friends want to just have fun with a video camera, you can do so.

Of course, when making a YouTube video you will want to use your best judgment. Although YouTube accepts videos on a wide variety of different subjects, you will want to proceed with caution. You should always be cautious of online predators; therefore, you will want to be cautious about divulging too much information about yourself. You might not necessarily think about it, but you also want to make sure that you don’t record and post anything illegal on YouTube. It has been said that YouTube regularly works with law enforcement to help solve crimes. That just goes to show that you never really who is watching your videos or what the consequences for posting them might be.

Another one of the many advantages or pros to making your own YouTube videos is that it is relatively easy to do. Of course, you will need to have a video recording device. What is nice is that there are a number of different recording devices that you can use. For instance, many cell phones now come equipped with video recording capabilities. In addition to cell phones, you should also be able to use traditional camcorders or webcams. For the best quality YouTube video, you will want to have a movie editing software program. Movie editing software programs will not only give you the ability to preview your videos, before uploading them to YouTube, but you should also be able to edit them, if you would like to remove something and so on.

Once you made one of your videos and uploaded it onto your computer, you will find that getting your video uploaded to YouTube’s website is just as easy. In fact, that is another one of the many advantages to making your own YouTube videos. Just like actually making the video itself, uploading a YouTube video is as easy at it can be. If you have never uploaded a video to YouTube before, you should be able to do, with ease. The YouTube uploading learning curve is so easy that you if you continue to make videos for the YouTube website you will be uploading them and sharing them with the internet community in no time at all.

Another benefit of making your own videos and uploading them to YouTube comes after the fact. After you have uploaded your videos to YouTube and they are available for viewing, anyone with an internet connection can visit the YouTube website to view your videos. This means that just one of you videos may be seen by thousands of people! In fact, if those viewers are registered members of YouTube they can rate your YouTube videos or even leave comments for you. This feature is nice because it gives you positive and sometimes even negative feedback; feedback that can be taken into consideration if and when you choose to make any more YouTube videos.

As you can see, there are a number of pros or advantages to making your own videos to share on YouTube. As you likely know, there are also a number of disadvantages to doing so as well, including safety. However, as long as you display caution when making a YouTube video or when talking with other YouTube members, your YouTube video making experience should be a positive one.


How to Make a Video for YouTube

Are you interested in making your own videos to upload to YouTube and to share with the rest of the internet community? If you are and if this is your first time trying to do so, you may be wondering how you can go about making your own videos. Although the process of making a YouTube video may seem like a complicated one, it isn’t necessarily. Even those with a low amount of computer knowledge are able to successfully make their own videos, many of which later end up on YouTube.

The first step in making a YouTube video is to get a video recording device. Video recording devices come in a number of different formats. For instance, it is possible to use cell phones, webcams, or traditional camcorders. If you are interested in using your cell phone to help you make a YouTube video, you will need to make sure that your cell phone has video recording capabilities. You will find that most new, modern cell phones do. For the best quality videos, you want to use traditional camcorders, particularly digital ones, but webcams are also nice low-cost alternatives.

Once you have a video recording device in your possession, you can start to make your own videos. Popular videos on YouTube include video blogs, comedy skits, how-to videos, or travel videos. You can make just about whatever type of video you want, whether it is one that is staged or just recording spur of the moment activities or conversations. When making a YouTube video, it is important to remember that YouTube doesn’t limit the number of videos you can submit, but all videos must be ten minutes or less, if you have a traditional YouTube membership account. Therefore, if you want to have videos be longer than ten minutes, you either need to upgrade your account or make your videos in different segments.

When making your YouTube video, you will want to make sure that the quality is good. For this, it is a good idea to speak directly into the camera or else use raised voices. This will help to ensure that those watching your videos on YouTube can actually understand what you are saying. It is also advised that you make sure the lighting is good. The best time to make movies is during the day. If you want to make your movies at night, whether they take place inside or outdoors, you will want to make sure that you have the appropriate amount of lighting. Nothing is worse that watching a video that is hard to see.

Although there are a number of steps, like the ones mentioned above, which you can take to ensure that your YouTube videos are quality ones, there is a way that you can fix problems later on. You can do this with movie editing software. Moving editing software allows you to preview and edit your videos, should you wish to do so before uploading them to YouTube. If you have a relatively new computer, you should be able to find movie editing software already on your computer. If you are unable to find movie editing software, you should be able to get free software programs or even purchase deluxe software programs online or from one of your local media stores.

The decision as to whether or not you want to edit your videos, before sharing them on YouTube, is yours to make, but it is advised that you at least look into doing so, especially if your computer already has a movie editing program. You will want to watch your movies and see if there is anything that you would like to edit, change, or remove. If so, the time to do it is before you post your video on the YouTube website. Editing your YouTube videos or at least previewing them first is likely to improve their quality, which, in turn, will help to improve the exposure that your YouTube videos get. Many YouTube members share videos that they find interesting with those that they know and your videos may be one of them.


What should be the first video to start at Youtube

Do you enjoy watching videos on YouTube? If you do, have you ever thought about making your own YouTube videos? While making a YouTube video may seem like a complicated process, it actually isn’t one. YouTube makes it so easy for you to upload your videos that the hardest part isn’t actually uploading them, but making them.

When it comes to making a YouTube video, one of the biggest problems a person has, especially a first time YouTube video maker, is deciding what type of video they should make. Of course, you have the option to make whichever type of video you want, within YouTube’s guidelines of course, but there are a few video pieces that you may want to closely examine, as they are great for beginners.

One of the most popular video types currently found on YouTube are video blogs. Video blogs seem as if they are taking over traditional, printed blogs. Instead of venting about their day in print, many bloggers are now getting in front of the camera. Video blogs are easy to make, as you pretty much just summarize what is going on in your life. Of course, you need to keep safety in mind, when making a YouTube video blog. If you want to outline your day, week, or month for other internet users to see, you will want to do so without giving up too much information about yourself, like your full name, address, or phone numbers.

Another one of the most popular video types currently found on YouTube are comedy videos. Comedy videos tend to include standup comedy, skits, as well as comedy sketches. If you have aspirations to be a comedian or even if you and your friends just like being funny, you may have the makings of a great YouTube video. Of course, if you are making a comedy video that involves other people, like your friends, you need to make sure that they know that you are planning on uploading the video to YouTube, for the entire world to see.

If you would like to create a more serious YouTube video, one that may be used for informational purposes only, you may want to think about creating a how-to video or a do it yourself (DIY) video. These types of videos are great for first time YouTube video submitters. If you are interested in creating a how-to video, you will want to make a video on something that you enjoy or one of your hobbies. For instance, if you like making your own candles, you may want to think about making a YouTube video or multiple video segments on how to do so.

If you enjoy playing video games, you may also want to make a YouTube video about them. As it was previously mentioned, there are a large number of first time YouTube video submitters who prefer making videos about something that they know or love. If you have an old video game or even just a traditional, vintage board game, you may want to make a YouTube video on it. Your video could include information on the history of the game or even tips on how to play it, and so on.

As you can, there are an unlimited number of video pieces that you can create for yourself and a large number of them are perfect for your first YouTube video. If you are looking for more information on popular YouTube videos, you are urged to examine the YouTube site. You can easily examine a video’s popularity by looking at its ratings or by seeing how much it is being discussed. Examining currently posted YouTube videos is a great way to give you ideas. It is also likely to up your chances of making a YouTube video that will be popular; one that will be watched or one that will be talked about.

The decision as to what YouTube video you want to post as your first one is yours to make, but you may want to think about starting out small. After you have tested the waters, you can move onto bigger and better YouTube videos, should you wish to do so.


How to Make YouTube Videos Insurance

Safety Tips You Should Know

Do you enjoy making short videos or movies? If you do, you will love YouTube. YouTube is an online video sharing website that lets internet users, like you, upload videos that they made to the website, where they can be viewed by others. Although it is fun and exciting to make and share your own YouTube videos, you will want to display some caution when doing so. Posting videos on YouTube can be dangerous, especially if improperly done. That is why it is advised that you always keep internet safety in the back of your mind, when creating your YouTube videos.

Perhaps, the most important safety tip that you need to remember is to protect your identity. You will want to refrain from mentioning your name in your YouTube videos, especially your full name. You will also want to refrain from mentioning your address in any of your YouTube videos. While you may think that mentioning the city or town that you live in is okay, as long as you don’t give your street address, you may want to rethink doing so. There are a large number of internet users who are resourceful; with the right information, they can easily find out important information about you, including where you live.

One of the reasons why YouTube is so popular, aside from the fact that you can watch or upload movies to the YouTube site for free, is the fact that you can rate, leave comments, or talk about YouTube videos with other internet users. If you talk with certain members enough you may end up developing a close online friendship with them. Still, it is advised that you keep the previously mentioned safety tip in mind; do not give out any of your personal information. Whenever you use the internet, whether you are using YouTube or not, you need to remember that it is difficult, if not impossible, to verify who is sitting behind the computer screen on the other end of your conversation. No matter what online exchanges take place, you will want to protect your identity.

When it comes to internet users further researching you, many YouTube video submitters wonder why anyone would do such a thing. While different individuals have different motives, you should always assume that those motives are not in your best interest. As stated above, different internet users have different motives, but one thing that seems to motivate them is seductive or attractive looking internet users. Even if you are creating a video blog or a comedy skit, you will want to keep a close eye on your appearance. Of course, you will want to look your best, but you want to be sure not to take it too far, as many can misinterpret your intentions; possibly putting you in harms way.

It is also advised that you be careful with what you post online, if you are making a video of yourself and your friends. You need to make sure that all video stars know your intentions of posting the video for sharing on YouTube. If you have a video that you shot candidly, you need to use your best judgment. You want to be cautious of ingraining on anyone’s privacy, as it may not only reflect negatively on you, but it may also land you in hot water. It is also advised that you refrain from posting clips of movies, television shows, or music videos that you do not have rights to. This is a violation of copyright. In most cases, your YouTube video will simply be pulled, but, in rare instances, you may be faced with legal action.

The previously mentioned safety tips are just a few of the many that you will want to keep in mind, when making a video to upload on to the YouTube website. In all honesty, it is best if you just use your best judgment. Should you feel uncomfortable doing something, like just making a YouTube video in general, you are advised to listen to your gut, as it is often the best sign of trouble to come.


The importance of talking about YouTube with children

Are you a parent? If so, is your child old enough to use the internet? If you have a child who is high school or even middle school, there is a good chance that you are concerned with internet safety, as you should be. Online, there are a large number of websites, including YouTube, which appeal to your children. The only problem with these websites is that if they are not properly used, they can be dangerous. That is why it is advised that you discuss popular internet sites, like YouTube, with your children.

When it comes to discussing YouTube with their children, there are many parents who wonder exactly what YouTube is. If you have never heard of YouTube or visited it before, it is advised that you do before talking to your children about it. Once you visit the YouTube website, you will see that it is a video sharing website. Those who are thirteen years and older are able to register for a free YouTube account. Once an account has been registered, those with accounts can watch YouTube videos, rate them, or discuss them with other YouTube members, as well as share their own videos online.

With YouTube safety, most of the focus should be placed on uploading and sharing videos, but it is also important that you touch on watching videos as well. There are a number of YouTube videos that have adult content. While YouTube tries to ensure that each of these videos is marked, in one way or another, not all are. You will want to remind your child they are they are just, a child. You may even want to put limits on the type of videos that they watch. For instance, it is more that possible to find educational videos on YouTube, like how-to guides. It may be a good idea for your children to view those types of videos, as they will likely receive a little bit of education at the same time.

As previously stated, most of the focus should be placed on uploading videos to YouTube. In the past, a large number of YouTube members posted videos that had clips from their favorite movies, television shows, or music videos. Due to copyright issues, YouTube is trying to cut down on these types of videos, as they are actually illegal with out the proper permission. You may want to explain this to your children, as they may not be familiar with copyrights and how they work. In most cases, should your children post a video on YouTube that they don’t have permission to do, the video will likely be removed, but as more and more companies are fed up with their work being displayed on the internet, more serious action may be taken.

It is also important that you talk to your children about safety, when sharing a video on YouTube or even when making a video with the sole purpose of putting it on the YouTube website. One popular type of video that many young adults, including high school students, are making are video blogs. Video blogs are like traditional blogs, where they outline the happenings in ones life, but they are in video format. The only problem with video blog is that many YouTube members are sitting right in front of the camera, exposing their faces for everyone to see. While this can be considered safe, giving out too much information, while showing your face isn’t. You will want to let your children know that they shouldn’t, under any circumstances, give out their full name, their address, or their phone numbers, even cell phone numbers. It is also advised that you talk to your children about internet predators. Although YouTube members are able to talk to each other, the dangers of meeting online predators aren’t as high as on traditional social networking sites, like MySpace, but the threat still exists. Let your children know that you do not want him or her talking to other YouTube members, as they never really know who is behind the computer. If you and your children cannot reach an agreement, you may want to think about blocking the YouTube website from your computers.


Pros and cons of making your own videos to YouTube

Are you one of the millions of internet users who enjoy watching free videos on YouTube? If you are, the thought of creating your own YouTube video may have crossed your mind; has it? If so, you may be wondering whether or not you should make your own YouTube video and then upload it to the YouTube website. When making your decision, it is advised that you can examine the pros and cons of doing so.

When it comes to making your own YouTube video, there are a number of cons or downsides to doing so. Perhaps, the biggest downside to making your own video and then uploading it to YouTube is that you are essentially sharing the video with the whole world. Many individuals mistakenly believe that their videos will only be seen by YouTube members, but that isn’t the truth. Any internet user, even those without a YouTube account, can view videos on YouTube. In fact, it is not uncommon for YouTube video viewers to email a YouTube video link to those that they know. Therefore, the views that your YouTube videos may get may be more than you ever expected or wanted.

Since any video that you upload to the YouTube website can be viewed by just about anyone with an internet connection, you may want to be careful with the amount of information that you disclose. For instance, if you are doing a video blog, you might not want to give your real name or at least not your full name. It is also important that you don’t mention where you live. If you want, you may want to outline the state that you reside in, but never give the city or town, especially if you disclose your name. You will want to try and refrain from giving any personal information to any YouTube member, even those who send you personal messages asking for information. As with most online website, YouTube can be a dangerous place, but you should be able to stay safe as long as you stay aware.

Although there are a few downsides or cons to uploading your videos to the YouTube website, there are also a number of pros or plus sides to doing so. One of those pros is ease of use. Even if you consider yourself to be unskilled with computers, you should still be able to make, upload, and share your video or videos on YouTube. In all honesty, all you need is a video recording device, like a camcorder or a webcam, and a movie editing software program, which now comes standard with most computers. Once you have your video on your computer and edited, if you wish to do so, you will just need to follow YouTube’s step-by-step uploading instructions and then your video should be ready for sharing, in as little as a few minutes.

Another pro to using YouTube to share your own videos with other internet users is uses. Although a large number of internet users use YouTube videos for fun or for personal reasons, there are many others who use them for business or at least to up their exposure. You need to remember that millions of internet users watch videos on YouTube. While your YouTube video will be unlikely to get one million views, you could get quite a bit. Whether you are advertising your services, like as a website designer or an online actress, you can do so through YouTube. The only thing that you will want to do is try to not take the spam approach. If you are advertising yourself as a website designer, try taking a few videos of you making a website or use your video to explore websites that you have made. Simply adding your business information at the end of the video is a great way to get your point across, but without making your YouTube video seem as it is an advertisement.

As you can see, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages, or pros and cons, to making your own YouTube videos. As stated above, it is advised that you use your best judgment. Of course, you can post a video on YouTube if you want to do so, but just make sure that you are doing so safely.


Watch on YouTube What?

Are you looking to use the internet as a source of entertainment? With high movie renting costs, cable costs, and satellite TV costs, many people are starting to turn to the internet. One of the reasons for that is because the internet is a great source of entertainment. There are a large number of websites, including YouTube, can that literally leave you laughing or crying for hours.

If you are looking for videos to watch online, as it was previously mentioned, you are urged to visit YouTube. YouTube is a video sharing website that allows internet users, just like you, to not only watch videos, but also share their own. Allowing other internet users to upload their own videos is one of the reasons why YouTube has become so popular and it is one of the many reasons why YouTube has an unlimited number of videos to choose from. In fact, YouTube has so many videos to choose from that they had to categorize them all, which actually makes it easier to find YouTube videos that interest you, as a viewer.

One of the most popular YouTube video categories is comedy. The comedy category on YouTube tends to include comedy sketches, standup acts, as well as comedy spoofs. A large number of the comedy videos found on YouTube are staged or rehearsed, but there are many videos that were just taken at the spur of the moment. Many times, you will find that these videos are the funniest. No matter what type of YouTube comedy video you watch, you will likely be left laughing.

Another popular YouTube video category is that of entertainment. When it comes to entertainment videos, you will find that you have a wide variety of different videos to choose from. While it is still possible to find videos that have clips of your favorite music videos, television shows, or movies, YouTube is trying to cut down on those videos, as they don’t have permission to broadcast many of them right now. Other entertainment videos include video reviews of movies or television shows, gossip, or amateur reporting events.

Pets and animals is another popular YouTube video category. As you likely already know, videos in this category are centered on pets, in one way or another. In some cases, YouTube members are showing off a new pet that they got, but many pet videos are also comedy related. A lot of YouTube members like posting videos of their pets doing something funny, unique, or cute. If you love pets, you will sure enjoy watching many of the pet videos that can be found under the pets and animals section on YouTube.

Travel and places is another popular video category on YouTube. This YouTube category also acts, in a way, to educate viewers. Many of the videos found under the YouTube travel and places category are videos that members shot when they were traveling, many times in a foreign country. For that reason, it is common to find videos that take you on a tour or show you well-known tourist attractions. If you are interested in planning a vacation, but you don’t know yet where you should go, you will want to examine some of the travel and places videos that can be found on YouTube. One more popular YouTube video category is that of people and blogs. This is where many YouTube members post personal videos about themselves. One of the most popular types of videos found under the heading of people and blogs are video blogs. Video blogs are like traditional blogs, but they are in video format. With video blogs, YouTube members often outline their day or their week for all other internet users to watch. In most cases, you will find that many video blogs have a humorous side to them.

The previously outlined YouTube video categories are just a few of the many that exist. Additional categories include How-To and Do It Yourself, Gadgets and Games, Film and Animation, Autos and Vehicles, Sports, Music, and News and Politics. Basically, whatever you are looking for, entertainment wise, you should be able to find it on YouTube and with detailed categories, finding what you want is easy.